Meet the Owner of Pros Recycling, LLC. Johnnie and Anthony. They are dedicated to service and preservation of the environment. They maintain the highest level of quality and service for you their customers. You can trust that they is offering you a friendly and honest service with the best prices for your recycling material.
Pros Recycling, LLC hours:
Last call 15 minutes before closing
We buy back all California Redemption Value (CRV) Beverage Containers. The current values are listed below. You do not need to crush your cans though we find it helpful. We do not accept CRV beverage containers brought in from other states or countries. If the containers are contaminated we pay less than the refund value.
Recycling centers are allowed to pay by weight as a matter of business efficiency. The Beverage Container Recycling Program establishes the minimum per-pound rates for each container type: aluminum, glass, plastic and bi-metal. Recycling centers pay the CRV to consumers for their redeemed beverage containers. In addition to the CRV, recycle centers may also pay a scrap value, which fluctuates according to current demand for the recycled material.
Please remove all lids from plastic containers.
Non CRV Materials
We now accept all non CRV beverage containers including glass, plastic and aluminum.
CRV Per Container
California Redemption Values